30 July 2006
One of the most annoying things ever!
People's grammar today is atrocious! Worst of all is the word anyway. Anyways is not a word! GAH! I wish people would get that! There is little that annoys me more than that non-existant word! Grr...
Well, I just wanted to get that out of my system...
28 July 2006
Brainstorm program @ traevoli.com
"Jealousy destroys itself and the object of its love. In the 80s, a flower, undead, leads us through a western in Greece of unbelievable proportions. During this tale the audience is witness to defeat and gets a knowing feeling.
The basic plot: Changing in ways that cannot be explained.
Kudos for incorporating a polyhedron, toasters, use of the phrase "aww, he didn't use my quote", butterflies, or a forbidden closet of mystery."
I think I might use this one for NaNoWriMo in November, but I have to go through some more first...
11 July 2006
A quote: A note
Make-up is a synonym for lie
I read this quote just now, and thought it noteworthy.
quote by Cat: http://www.blogger.com/profile/28344791
or Your Messiah: http://allpoetry.com/poets/your%20messiah
05 July 2006
I've started a fascinating experiment. take a look