18 June 2006
I'm so going to write a poem about this.... I was reading a poem on allpoetry, and I was just inspired as I commented on it. The poem was called "I hate you and all that you stand for"... here it is
"Hey Alex, how's it goin?"
"I hate you and all that you stand for."
"I hate you and all that you stand for"?!
Sorry, it's hard to be civil today.
When I can't seem to find the razor
And all scissors I own ran away
And I can't find a knife underneath all that rust
And the sewing tin's dryer than dirt
The bathtub is full but the toaster ain't here
I have nothing here that will hurt
I decided to go to Home Depot
I've been hankering for pruning shears
Or a neon orange extension cord
That'll wipe away horrible tears
Tie at the top, off of the chandelier
A noose on the neck's as sweet as can be
The HIM is blaring, the candles are lit
Combined with my sighs, it's a sweet symphony
As the tears roll down, one last look
At the world I've grown to despise
The wall mirror shows the ladder and me
And my cold and cloudy brown eyes
As my last words, I whisper to myself, and the world,
"I hate you and all that you stand for."
I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and jump
To deal with the world no more.
And my comment ended up as something like this....
For some reason, the style you wrote this in seems very modern. I liked it, and yet at the same time, it was very distant. I don't know why, but I just couldn't sense that much feeling, even though, judging by the words, it seems like I should've felt something. It's sad in a way, but it seems that, more and more, the world is becoming more like that, "I hate you and all that you stand for" I mean. Even though people act normal, we're all ignoring what's really going on, and those of us who aren't just can't take it. That feeling of hatred feels sort of empty, the background you chose goes well with that. Maybe that's why I feel numb. I suppose that I've read so much sadness, that I too, have begun to grow numb. But... even though everything feels this way, I have to believe that after the rain, everything will be fresh and clean again. I don't know why I'm writing all this... I don't even know if it makes sense. However, I think that instead of deleting this, I'll let you be the judge of that.
Anyway, the actual way this was written came out great, It was definitely thought provoking. I think you actually inspired me to write something about this, so thank you!
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Were you truly numb, you'd have gone off to a PS2 instead of writing about this, let alone finding inspiration of your own in it!
A tangentially related favorite, probably ancient to you:
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
-- Dorothy Parker
Interesting... I suppose it's less numbness and more something akin to detachment, could just be that I really need summer to arrive. But I did end up writing 3 different poems, though not exceptionally good ones, after that.
I try and detach myself to escape the things that make my soul ache sometimes, but never succeed for long! It's probably just as well...lol!
Thank you for being you!
Um... you're welcome.